Rhythm of Street Tree Planting and Street Image

Rhythm of Street Tree Planting and Street Image
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Tatsuki Watanabe 1,Kazunari Tanaka 2
所属/Affiliation:1 Graduate School, Osaka Institute of Technology ,2 Osaka Institute of Technology

In recent years, unauthorized cutting of street trees has become a problem in Japan. Fallen leaves, insect and bird droppings, and litter generated by street trees are a nuisance. However, this practice is unacceptable because street trees are originally intended to shape the landscape and reduce damage caused by accidents and disasters. Every landscape with street trees is similar, and many people do not care if two or three trees are cut down. A landscape is essentially something that blends and harmonizes with existing urban structures, topography, and culture. Just as parks and gardens, which form landscapes with plants and structures, are designed to harmonize with the city, the landscape of street trees must also harmonize with the city.

Therefore, in order to construct a landscape design more in harmony with the city, we investigated the landscape of street trees in harmony with the streetscape.

As a research method, the line structure of structures in the street space was extracted by image editing, and strong vertical lines were extracted. The extracted lines were used to create images of trees with different vertical lines and different rhythms on the plane. The superiority of the harmony of each image was then ranked by a pairwise comparison method. The results showed that each vertical line pattern had a harmonious tree rhythm.

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